Asian Hustlers- Stuff article


Cindy Yunha Jang-Barlow works full time in tech sales.

She's also a choreographer, producer, event co-ordinator, dance facilitator, research and community arts advocate, but "sometimes it's just easier to say your day job …

"My family in Korea especially have no clue what I really do." Jang-Barlow says that her family sees arts as a hobby.

Jang-Barlow remembers her dance studio upbringing as elitist and not a fostering environment.

"It's why I'm so passionate now to create community dance spaces and safe spaces where people can explore movement and people can perform without these standards and barriers."

Jang-Barlow is the driving force of a community collective called Jang Huddle which invites Asian people, ages 16 to 60+, who haven't had a lot of dance experience to explore and enjoy movement and contemporary dance in a non-judgmental environment.

They're working towards a show, I Don't Wanna Dance Alone, which is a nod to the elitist dance environment she grew up in. "I see it as a healing of my own inner child almost... this piece is kind of a space for me to give back to me.

"I'm struggling to enjoy the side hustle, and enjoy work and enjoy life outside of work because currently it's just all work.

"[It's] definitely not sustainable, but I chose this life."

© 2017 JangHuddle
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