I Don't Wanna Dance Alone - Tickets on sale now!


Choosing to be included feels like taking away the exclusivity of the space my body wants to fill.

Jang Huddle is excited to invite you to I Don't Wanna Dance Alone showings on 20-22 April at the Factory Theatre in Onehunga.

'I Don't Wanna Dance Alone' is a development work exploring themes of community, intergenerational dynamics and empowering the inner child.

Featuring an all Asian cast of 12 people, ages from 16- 60+, with diverse dance backgrounds, the development is about how everyone is welcome to dance.

Facilitated by Cindy Yunha Jang-Barlow and choreographed with the performers to an original soundtrack by Rewind Fields.
The team has been working really hard to put together this community dance project and would love to share what we've been working on with an audience!

This development was funded by the Diversity fund by Foundation North and Creative New Zealand.


  • Thursday 20th April - 7:30pm- 8:30pm

  • Friday 21st April 7:30pm- 8:30pm

  • Saturday 22nd April 1:00pm- 2:00pm

  • Saturday 22nd April 7:30pm- 8:30pm

General Admission - $15

Students - $10

Children (Under 16 years old) - $5

Tickets on sale at Iticket: https://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2023/apr/dont-wanna-dance-alone/nocache#/information

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